Marching Through Memories: Saint Patrick’s Day Parades in Chicago and now, Kenosha
I have many happy memories of marching in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade when I was growing up in Chicago. My mother’s cousin, Kathy Maher, owned and operated the Kay Marie School of Irish Dance. Kay Marie taught me Irish Step dances and . . . . how to twirl a baton! Most fun of all, we marched in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.
It was great fun to march in Downtown Chicago when many people were out and about on Saint Patrick’s Day. Wearing our glittering green, silver, or gold sequin sweaters with matching sequin top hats, and our white satin pleated skirts. We did a fancy step, touching the tip of our white go-go boot clad toes with the tip of our carefully swung baton as we smiled at the crowds we passed on either side of State Street, that great street. It was a thrill to pass in front of the judge’s booth as they called out our dancing school’s name to the listening crowds dressed in at least 40 shades of green. Every now and then, we marchers stopped in the street and kicked up our heels in a lively jig for an appreciative audience. Then onward we marched again.