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Home » Marching Through Memories: Saint Patrick’s Day Parades in Chicago and now, Kenosha

Marching Through Memories: Saint Patrick’s Day Parades in Chicago and now, Kenosha

I have many happy memories of marching in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade when I was growing up in Chicago. My mother’s cousin, Kathy Maher, owned and operated the Kay Marie School of Irish Dance. Kay Marie taught me Irish Step dances and . . . . how to twirl a baton! Most fun of all, we marched in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.

It was great fun to march in Downtown Chicago when many people were out and about on Saint Patrick’s Day. Wearing our glittering green, silver, or gold sequin sweaters with matching sequin top hats, and our white satin pleated skirts. We did a fancy step, touching the tip of our white go-go boot clad toes with the tip of our carefully swung baton as we smiled at the crowds we passed on either side of State Street, that great street. It was a thrill to pass in front of the judge’s booth as they called out our dancing school’s name to the listening crowds dressed in at least 40 shades of green. Every now and then, we marchers stopped in the street and kicked up our heels in a lively jig for an appreciative audience. Then onward we marched again.

If we were lucky, afterwards, Mom took us for hotdogs downstairs at the Woolworth diner. Other times, a nicer establishment by adult standards served up the menu.

We crossed the Chicago River and leaned over the protective rail to see the river dyed green. With great excitement, we enjoyed the sights and sounds of a city celebrating. Everyone can be Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day.

Kenosha Joins the Tradition!

Now, Kenosha, Wisconsin, is starting a new tradition—its Inaugural Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on March 15, 2025—and they’re even dyeing Kenosha’s Harbor GREEN! This exciting event is organized by the City of Kenosha, Go Downtown Kenosha, and the Lakeshore Business Improvement District, bringing the community together for a day of Irish pride, family fun, and lively entertainment.

I’d like to invite all of you to mark your calendar and attend the parade, staying for the live music, dancing, great food, and other festivities throughout downtown.

As Kenosha begins this exciting event, I’m inviting past and present Actor’s Craft students, along with their families, to march with us in the parade. It’s a day for family, fun, and making memories that will last a lifetime.

Want to march in Kenosha’s Eric Olson Memorial Saint Patrick’s Day Parade?
Email me at or text/call me  262-705-0194.

Schedule of Events:

  • 8:30 a.m.: Dyeing of the Harbor Green Ceremony
    Experience the transformation of Kenosha’s harbor into a vibrant shade of green, echoing Chicago’s famous tradition.
  • 10 a.m.: Guinness Beer Run through Downtown
    A spirited 2K run, where camaraderie and celebration take center stage.
  • 11 a.m.: Eric Olson Memorial St. Patrick’s Day Parade
    Floats, marching bands, dance groups, and entertainment celebrating the richness of our community.
  • 1 p.m.: Children’s Parade near Swede’s
    A delightful sidewalk parade where little ones can take part in the festivities.

Festivities will continue downtown into the evening, with more details to come. For updates and participation info, visit the official event page.’s-day-parade-and-beer-run/3702

A Chance to Bring Back the Tradition

My love for Saint Patrick’s Day parades didn’t stop with childhood. When I first moved to Kenosha, I was Founding Director of the Irish School at The Irish American Heritage Center (IAHC) in Chicago, from 2000 to 2004. From a mother’s perspective, I remember the laughter and fun of introducing my Irish School students and my own children to the joy of marching in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. 

We chartered a bus from IAHC to Downtown Chicago, filled with excited families ready to celebrate. Moms, dads, grandparents, students, and siblings all marched together, bundled up in Irish sweaters, tweed caps, fun buttons, comical shirts, or simply a splash of green. We enjoyed hearing the announcer at the judges’ booth give a valiant effort to pronounce our name in Irish, Scoil na Bpáistí Irish School, as we marched by with our banner. I still have parents tell me what a special time marching in the parade was for them and their children. 

Now, with Kenosha launching its own Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, we have a wonderful opportunity to bring back that tradition, this time in our own community. And luckily for the announcer, Actor’s Craft is much easier to say! Let’s create new memories together—join us as we make history!

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